Horticulture is a very relaxing hobby with the added bonus that it isn’t that expensive. Family and friends can spend an enjoyable afternoon together, working in the garden. If you have children that help you in the garden, you will notice their fascination with the way that the seeds will grow into vegetables and flowers. It also makes you appreciate nature and understand the beauty of the land that we live on. This article gives you hints that will make it easier for you to enjoy your garden, and if you are enjoying it, you will be more likely to include others.

Create a focal point in your garden with a unique plant. Any great garden design involves using a focal point to grab someone’s attention and keep it there. The focal point should be a plant totally different from the others around it.

TIP! If your garden space is limited, opt for a fruit-bearing dwarf tree. A lot of gardens, especially ones in the city, are small, but you have room for a small fruit tree! These trees produce regular sized fruits and produce fruit after about four years from planting.

Digging in clay soil with a shovel can be very difficult. The clay isn’t easy to work with and will adhere to the shovel, which only makes the problem worse. Make your shoveling job easier by lightly coating a shovel with a layer of wax, then buffing the surface. Either car wax or floor wax will work just fine. Not only will the clay slide off the surface, but it will keep the end from rusting.

Make use of root cuttings to create many new plants. During wintertime, when the roots are dormant, you should cut them. Start by using a sharpened knife to separate the plant from the largest roots. The roots should be sliced at least two inches long. Fill up seed trays with a peat and grit mixture, then lay each root cutting on the soil’s surface. Cover this with a layer of planting soil. Stash your trays in a cool, damp place, and you should have some new seedlings in four to six weeks. Transplant the cuttings to small pots, and allow them to grow a little prior to planting them outside.

TIP! There are several kinds of annuals that do well in winter’s colder temperatures. When plants become too out of control, simply prune them back.

Invest in a quality wheelbarrow and a kneeling stool if gardening work is going to happen often. Using a large portion of your time near or on the ground working on your garden puts a huge strain on your knees; therefore, having a portable, lightweight garden stool will greatly assist you in making gardening easier on them. Gardening also typically involves transporting bags of topsoil, fertilizer and other heavy items, so using a wheelbarrow to make these tasks easier is a sound investment for your garden, and your back.

Use rubbing alcohol and vinegar to remove salt from clay pots. The salt deposits build up over time as you water the plants in the clay pots. Use equal amounts of rubbing alcohol, water and white vinegar to spray on the pot. Scrub lightly and you will see the salt begin to disappear. When finished, rinse the pot off thoroughly and set to dry prior to planting your next plant in it.

TIP! Even planting a vegetable garden involves a bit of self-imposed bureaucracy. Write down what you wish to plant and make a map of your garden.

In conclusion, no matter what you reason for horticulture is, whether you do it alone or with others, these tips will be of assistance. By applying the tips laid out here, you can share the joy of horticulture with relatives and friends, or you can do gardening on your own to spend time with your thoughts.

Make sure that your sod is laid properly. Get your soil ready before you lay the sod. Be sure to get rid of any weeds, and then proceed to break up the soil to get it ready to use. Gently compact the soil until it is flattened. Be sure the soil is thoroughly moist. Lay the sod down in alternated rows, keeping the joints set off from one another. You want the sod to end up as a flat and even surface. If there are any gaps in between the sod pieces, then you can fill these in with some soil. Your sod should be watered everyday for at least two weeks, then it will root itself and walk on it.

TIP! Clay soil makes working with a shovel difficult. The clay is hard and sticks to the shovel.