Tending your garden is a relaxing way to get some sun and be active. Many garden hobbyists want to know which equipment is the best, when the ideal planting time is, and even what kind of soil is the most effective. Here you will find some helpful tips for the garden.

Plants need C02 for maximum growth. Plants tend to grow better when the CO2 levels are higher. Greenhouses help contain C02 to keep levels high. When it is exposed to high carbon dioxide levels, a plant has the best growing condition possible.

TIP! Try to have a plan with your garden. Doing this makes it easier to keep track of where you planted what when you first start to see sprouts.

Before you plant anything in your garden, have the soil checked. Pay a small fee to have your soil analyzed, and you’ll be glad that you did when you understand what nutrients your soil is lacking. A Cooperative Extension office can provide you with this service, saving you learning on your own by trial and error.

Protect your deciduous shrubs which are tender. If you have a few potted shrubs, they should be shielded from the wintry weather. Tie together the tops. Once the canes are snugly together, put a sheet over the wigwam. Covering your foliage in plastic will let the air in – and may lead to decay.

TIP! Be vigilant about keeping moisture off your plants. Moisture on your plants is a sure way to attract parasites and disease.

When winter comes, you can save a few plants by transferring them inside the house. Perhaps save the most resistant or expensive plants. Carefully dig near the roots and transfer those plants into a flower pot.

If you are a first time gardener, it is important that you follow all of the instructions on all of your tools and chemicals. If you use your gardening chemicals wrong, you can abrade or even burn your skin. Directions, especially safety rules, are there for your own good, so make sure you follow instructions on your tools and chemicals to the letter.

TIP! Put money into a quality wheelbarrow and kneeling stool if you plan to do garden work often. Gardening can be very tough on the knees as you spend much time leaning near the ground, so a portable stool can make all the difference to your comfort.

When gardening, be watchful of stink bugs, particularly in the fall. Fruits, peppers and tomatoes are among the foods they love to eat. If you do not keep them under control, the damage can be excessive, so keep an eye out for them.

Select a specific type of plant to be the focal point of your garden. Your focal point will be the main center of attention for anyone who sees your garden. More often than not, it is a plant that is distinctively different from its neighbors.

TIP! Try mixing various plants that have different heights to create an interesting garden setup. Using plants of all the same kind or size, can result in a boring, and unoriginal garden.

If you want to effectively weed out young plants, you can try “boiling” away the weeds. Considering that boiling water is rather safe, you don’t have to worry about toxins in your soil or at your dinner table. All you need to do is apply boiling water right to the weeds you want to get rid of. Be careful not to get any on the plants you want to keep. The water will kill the weeds by destroying the roots and if poured directly on the weeds, will prevent them from growing back.

If you have a cut on your hand, take the time to make sure it is either healed or completely covered before you put your hands in the soil. If you have an open cut while gardening, contact with dirt or debris can infect the wound. You can now purchase bandages to seal the cut completely.

TIP! Do not plant your seeds in a rush. Start by getting the soil good and moist.

As previously discussed, horticulture can be rewarding, but it requires knowledge to actually make your garden grow properly. You can produce a top notch garden, if you have the right advice. Take these tips and apply them to your garden and you are going to be overjoyed with the results.

Water is essential to maintaining a vibrant garden. Plants can not survive without it. On a day that is really hot, the soil will become more dry, so a person has to make sure they are keeping the garden watered. Watering properly will improve your garden’s result.

TIP! Use a mixture of 1 part ammonia to 4 parts water to spray on snails. Your plants will go unharmed by ammonia, which actually turns into helpful nitrogen in the future.